Tuesday, October 28, 2014

In light of recent event, in this weeks blog I want to talk about school violence and how it relates to technology. Currently technology is being used in a negative way that fuels violence, from social networks, messaging apps, smartphones etc. Student are using these ways of communicating to cause harm to other individuals.
I’m curious to see how school violence today compares to violence from our grandparents generation. We have old movies like Forrest Gump to make assumptions from. Can we also assume that the movies created in the 80’s and 90’s portray life as ‘accurately’ as the movies today? I don't think media depiction of social behavior in school is the best way of comparing the norms prior to social networks, and the social norms of today.
Do other countries have the same issues as we do when it comes to bullying and school violence? Can we make any connections between terrorism and our society? A society that is obsessed with social media, social networking and and gadget that connects individuals to the global world? We learn all of our behavior from the internet. We learn what to wear, what to say and what is cool from the internet. Anyone who challenges or fails to conform is cast out.
Regardless of how we compare, we are failing. This post is not about gun laws, its about behavior. Violent behavior is learned, and the triggers for this behavior are coming from social media. So what can we as educators of the next generation do to break this spiral? Technology has created this problem, but the solution must also come from technology, because I don’t see our society moving backwards.

^Ironically this video came to me in my Facebook feed.

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