Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tech and Education

   I’m going to just throw out there that I’m 25 and in elementary school the one computer in the classroom was a large square brick, and we only had Oregon Trail and would contemplate how much coffee to buy. In middle school, computer technology was becoming cheaper and easier to use. So we had 5 computers in the library and a rolling laptop cart. I think they were slow but I also think that as new computer consumers we didn’t know what to expect from computers. In high school smart phones had yet to be created and only some classrooms were fitted with computers. My accounting course we had large desktops for each student, and we used Quickbooks and other accounting programs to learn.
      Now I've been in college for awhile and I completed my associates degree mostly online. Last summer I actually took Italian and we used a slew of computer programs to read, speak and video chat with other students to learn the language.
     I've also worked as a substitute teacher for almost 2 years. I actually instructed a 7th grade class to complete their NWEA’s with computers. I found several students were uncomfortable using the computers to figure math problems. They had learned and practiced using paper, pencil and book, an were now being tested using a computer. I couldn't help but to feel how unfair for them. I completed all of my associate level math online with the MyMathLab program. While its an expensive program it does help diversify ‘knowledge intake’ methods, as some students may struggle with the old methods of paper and pencil.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

What brings you to SNHU

Well my educational history is lengthy but here it goes. I was always bright in high school and interested in sciences. I've always known I wanted to teach. Originally I wanted to teach high school. My senior year I meet my husband who was in the Marine Corps. So I moved to North Carolina, and started at a community college. I took a few semesters but the pressures of adulthood and living on my own with my husband meant that I had to work full time, and the crazy schedules of the Marine Corps made it difficult for me to complete my degree. In May of 2010 I made the decision to quit my job and go back to another community college and just get it done. I completed my associates in less than a year. My husband had orders being released so I had to wait a year to find out where our new home would be before I could pick a school to start my bachelors. We were placed on Recruiting Duty in North Boston and I had tried to commute to UNH in Durham. Unfortunately UNH wasted a lot of my time and money. I only completed a year at UNH, most of which was a waste. My husband had decided after 9 years it was time to move on from the Marines and settle down. We did so in the lakes region of New Hampshire, and I then made the decision to transfer to SNHU. My goal of teaching has always been my focus since completing my associates. I had worked as a substitute for some time with middle school and high school students. It was through this experience that I realized that I'd rather teach middle school over high school. I chose SNHU's Middle Grades Science Major and this is my first semester towards that degree.